Advanced Learning Specialist
501-882-5467 ext.2227

Advanced Learning Specialist

The Advanced Learning Specialist will provide training and support to K-12 teachers and administrators. This specialist will also support WDMESC and districts in implementing and sustaining accelerated learning opportunities for their advanced learners. The Advanced Learning Specialist will provide training and support to K-12 teachers and administrators. This specialist will also support districts in curriculum planning and development and choosing appropriate instructional materials. This specialist will work with the gifted and talented coordinators, school counselors, and administrators.


During the school year, WDMESC’s Advanced Learning Program provides a broad range of services and activities incorporated into five strands:

On-site consultation and technical assistance as needed

  • Curriculum materials and resources

  • In-service and staff development training

  • K-12 student activities

  • Professional development opportunities

Specific needs of school district G.T. coordinators, facilitators, counselors, administrators and students will be addressed through the following activities and/or presentations:

  • College & Career Day

  • GT Coordinators Curriculum Writing and Handbook Revision

  • GT and State Standards

  • Teaching the Gifted in the Secondary Content Classroom

  • Fall and Spring Chess Tournaments (K-12th Grade)

  • Stock Market Game & Youth Entrepreneur Showcase Support

  • Grade level GT days: 3rd grade Game Day (team building focus), 4th grade STEM Day (STEM focus), 5th grade Critical Thinking Day (thinking skills), 6th grade Community Service Day (affective focus)

  • Elementary Quiz Bowl Competitions

  • Global Domination for students in 7th grade and up

  • College Board Support

Various staff development workshops for K-12 teachers and administrators were provided as requested and/or pre-planned including:

  • School district G.T. program coordinators’ training and updates

  • Problem-based learning, learning styles

  • Vertical Teaming and Advanced Placement

  • AGATE Conference

  • K-2 Enrichment

  • High School Monthly Meetings

  • Implementing the Stock Market Game

The WDMESC Advanced Learning Specialist meets with the ADE, state Advanced Learning & GT Specialist, and other co-op Student Engagement specialists to gather and exchange information on current events, Advanced Placement and Pre-Advanced Placement opportunities, promising programs and practices, curricular ideas, and progress on proposed revisions in the standards for gifted programming. This information is then shared with all district G.T. coordinators. Throughout the year, the WDMESC coordinators meet to discuss issues and concerns and to do group planning. Mock Technical Assistance Visits and new coordinator consultations are provided on-site for those districts requesting such services.

Special roles and responsibilities assumed by the WDMESC Advanced Learning Specialist included coordinating grade level activities between school districts, coordinating and hosting co-op wide Quiz Bowl Competitions, assisting with state Quiz Bowl competitions, assisting area students in receiving information about and making application to Arkansas Governor’s School and the Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences, serving on the selection committee for Arkansas Governor’s School, and hosting chess tournaments. She also serves on AGATE and AAGEA board of directors and serves as speaker/presenter at various local and state meetings.

Additional Resources